Living in Fear

Fear is an emotion aroused by real or imagined impending threat. The dilapidating distress induced by danger, evil, pain, etc., causes direct changes in the brain, organs, and muscles. Indirectly, it causes trauma and psychological disorders, and can lead the psyche to the shadow side. Also, it puts chakra out of tune – limiting their ability to transmute- and fill a soul with love.

Perceiving stimuli as risks to health, status, power, financial stability, and safety of possessions can instigate fear based living. People then build literal barriers to keep their property safe, and the ego develops a personality with a potent defense mechanism.

Response to perceived risks arising from confrontations of these stimuli leads entities to believe their options are to choose flight, fight or freeze. These consequences continue indefinitely until the trauma has been dealt with. The response of wanting to avoid or escape danger is dependent on rationality and emotional maturity.

Fear is learned, and when operating rationally is working as it should: keeping the entity from unsuitable and damaging environments. In evolutionary terms, fear is a behavioral response favoring survival. When functioning irrationally it is of detriment and called a phobia. The innate emotions are closely related, although distinguishable from anxiety which results from threats imagined to be uncontrollable or unavoidable.

Propensity of irrational interpretations veneers layers to the core self. Depending on the quantity, the true self gets covered in so much junk it disappears. Irrational fears must be pealed away for the diamond to sparkle. As layers of ego are peeled off, each shed shows its own vulnerabilities and insecurities that need to be dealt with and healed. If not, fear will slip on another glove of defensive ego. The ego propagated from fear prevents living a genuine existence, and rather people end up slaves to their past.

Becoming aware you are alive, and are functioning from a perspective of responding to past stimuli is fundamental to overcoming fear. For a life dominated by responses to fear must be overcome. This is achieved by identifying the beginning of where the personality split or went into retreat. The worth of the centre of self is priceless and has ultimate potential when aligned with its own truth. When the center is in balance with the cosmic environment – symbiosis occurs allowing the individual to live in love.

The loss of cosmic salvation causes people to feel guilty and resonate with fear. Without grace and clarity guilt causes people to believe freedom is found in habitual escapism, or accept lightening the heart is achieved from faith in external entities. Failing to visit an institution on scheduled times does not condemn a person to a dirty pit. Failing to be true to the core is the only true crime.

In order to stop sinning against the self, the core must be discovered amongst the rubble of life’s disasters. Choices made in fear can lead to materialistic success, but this only strengthens the might of the ego. Believing it is doing a noble duty the ego protects the core self, and sells off its real- estate to the highest bidder. Once what is real has been sold, a person is left

with only superficial value.
The house of the spirit (the body) functions as a trap of self denial. Due

to the tangible that beyond spectral understanding is regarded – at the best irrelevant, and at the worst non existent. The result is people live to satisfy and maintain the house (the temple of God) by embellishing and manipulating it in the manner that increases social value.

You could have the finest violin, but if you don’t use it right, or keep it in tune the song it plays is distorted. To play the human instrument correctly thought must be conscious and coherent with loving intent. Keeping it in tune requires the consumption of immaterial and material love.

Signs of living in fear:

  • Hating your job.
  • Drug abuse.
  • Nostalgia.
  • Addiction.
  • Having loveless relationships.
  • Chronic illness, fatigue, and reoccurring health issues.
  • Being defensive.
  • Feeling the need to justify yourself.
  • Reluctant to learn new information, or disregard knowledge contradictingwhat you believe.

The key to living in love: love more than you fear. By tipping the balance you can reside in love.

What is Love?

Love is diverse. Having many connotations it must be applied to context for the meaning of its use to be understood.

Love is feelings caused by chemicals reacting in the brain, states of mind, a sign of affection and a response to pleasure. Love is the substance of the virtues: kindness and compassion. There is selfish and unselfish love. Love also has a spectrum. There is the love felt towards family members that is different from romantic love. Love towards a friend, a pet, a nationality, a favourite band or meal. There is a divine love gained and received from faith, and sexual lustful love. The complexity of love and its use to describe everything from a piece of cake to your soulmate makes it difficult to define.

Apart from lust which is not true love and distracts from true love – love is a positive thing. Therefore love is positive on the polar scale. The opposite of love is hate, or fear. Love is nurturing and encourages growth. Fear is damaging and encourages the need for protection.

Love is growth – fear is protection.

The different types of love.

1, Love acquired from continual habit.

2, Love caused from imagination.

3, Love resulting from beliefs.

4, Love dependent on perception.

  1. Love generated from constant and continual performance of some act. Love experienced when you develop a passion for something, or are so intwined with it it becomes a part of your life. For example, love of dancing, love of eating, watching television, sexual intercourse, etc..

  2. Non-habitual love proceeds entirely from ideas: the imagined love you expect to feel from an activity or acquisition.

  3. In regards to human interaction; love resulting from beliefs comes when all parties have mutual love for each-other. This love is special as it is the love you are given and know is true, i.e. when someone shows you they love you, not tells you they love you.

  4. This is emotion created as a learnt response to the environment. Materialism is love dependent on perception of products that give you status and social value.

The various forms of love can be received and given. It can be shown to you but not felt by you. Love can be forgotten or never learnt. What causes one person to feel love causes another pain. Cynics will tell you love is nothing but hormones firing in the mammalian brain, and butterflies in the stomach are caused from a reduction of blood flow to an organ. Although for those that love love, and experience an extraordinary feeling from it, know there is something more.

Pleasure associated with things people love fits the theory love is an innate response for survival cultivated by evolution. As a species reliant on male and female copulation and caring for a child that is helpless, a bond is essential. Children can be brought up in both love based and fear based environments. Children encouraged and loved are better prepared for life and do not go into a state of protection.

Mammalian love has stages of development: desire leads to attraction which becomes habitual attachment. This does not sound romanic or spiritual.

Soulful love gained from the connection of soulmate’s is a declining reality. Where the media has become a staple of western civilization the population has been programmed to live in the mammalian brain. Like animals, connections between people is dominated by lust of physical attraction and resourceful stability. For those blessed with less choice, they either end up trying to buy love or find love based on soulful compatibility. Bought love can become habitual love, or a fear based relationship. Blessed because nature forces them to find love focused on love and not on looks etc.. Social validation is getting in the way of choosing partners for profound reasons. Fear based relationships are dominating the world. The 40%+ divorce rate is clear evidence that people are getting together for the wrong reasons.

A major problem is people are emotionally immature and regardless of age can not deal with their emotions rationally. Rather they think in terms of superficial benefit, for that is how the dominate mammalian mind thinks. A consequence of relationships based on fear is children – the next generation learn from the previous – adding to the loop of mammalian love relationships.

Like the polar opposite of Love is fear, there is a polar opposite of mammalian love. Soulful love is timeless and unrequited: feelings of love that do not need to be returned. When this love is not accepted and returned the cycle is incomplete. Although if the projector of love is sending out pure soulful love it is of personal benefit. If the love sent is lustful and imaginative the projector is failing to create a compatible connection for a soulmate.

Soul-full of love?

For you to project soulful love you must be full of soulful love. To have this soulful love you must be able to accept it and complete the circuit with the sender. Soulful love is everywhere, it is that which allows for everything in the universe to grow. Soulful love is the source of all existence, hence it is called universal Source energy.

To receive Source energy you must accept it, and be able to process it. Yodic tradition calls this energy prana a Sanskrit word meaning “life force.” To process it you must have active in-tune chakra. Chaka the Sanskrit word meaning “vortex,” are the bodies transducers that uptake the loving energy of the universe to develop the soul. At birth and during childhood chakra are in healthy states, and so the body grows. Due to consumption of negatively charged immaterial and material substance the chakra loose their transducing ability. As the soul declines the body looses its capacity to feel that love for life as in childhood, and aging occurs.

An ancient Greek word still used today is agape “i love.” In ancient times the word referred to “pure,” ideal type of love, or “love of the soul.” Traditional agape has been forgotten by the mass mammalian population.

To become full of soul you must live a love based lifestyle. The choices you make must be made in love. If you give up what feeds your soul your love/life will deplete. As a result you will live an unfulfilling life, degenerate and age prematurely. Living in love requires having sufficient knowledge to be able to make the right decisions.

Choose a career allowing you to live in love, for unhappiness puts the chakra out of tune. Sending out mammalian love does not transmit a signal your soulmate can register and connect with, and so you cannot find each other.

If growth is love, then you can eat love – although not all foods are a product of love, for they can be products of protection. Eating foods of protection provides the equivalent – they may sustain the body but do not enhance it.

Selective love means not living in love. Universal Source energy flows through All. It is not selective of who or what it sustains. If like most people you have forgotten the art of love, you should turn on your mind and body to receive what will make you feel content: become full of pure love.

Your conception of love is determined by your culture, or what you consciously chose to learn about love. Comprehending there are different types of love may or may not sound strange. Acceptance of soulful love is reliant on whether you want to believe it or not. You want to flow with the universe but did not know how. Now you know it is possible, choose a love based lifestyle.